Tuesday, September 11, 2012


One of the saddest days in all our lives just got sadder with the articles in all major news outlets today showing that the first responders are still waiting for a response from their government. The front page of many media outlets talks about remembering. Sadly not enough articles are dedicated to the heroes of that day. Here are a few of the articles we did find:

HUFFINGTON POST: September 11 Responders Still Waiting For Relief Promised In 2010

THE HILL: King: Congress has 'moral obligation' to increase 9/11 first-responder funds

CNN: 9/11 responders wait for compensation for their illnesses

It's sad that these brave people that rushed courageously to help any one that needed help  - have been betrayed by all of us.

For 11 years congress isn't willing to act fast enough to help all these brave men and women get help to pay for their medical expenses for the illnesses they suffered from breathing the toxins in the air.

The whole world stopped on September 11. Everyone was glued to their TV's.
Thanks to these brave people who rushed to ground zero and started working selflessly everyone saw a glimpse of order and hope in the madness and chaos of the moment.

So for all those who feel it's important to remember 9/11 - we urge you to also remember some of the heroes of that day.

Call your local congress man or congress woman and/or Senator and ask them not to forget the first responders either. Brave law enforcement, firemen, doctors and nurses shouldn't be left behind.

A society that loses it's moral responsibility to it's own heroes will eventually lose it's moral fiber to exist as a society.

So do take a minute and call and remind your local politician that even thought 11 years have passed since 9/11 - the heroes of that day and what they did for all of us - will never be forgotten and neither will they be forgotten!!!

First Responders - you are everyone's heroes and you are all in our hearts!

You are our heroes!

Friday, September 11, 2009

8 Years

8 Years.
Years have passed and the same questions still haunt me. What have we learned?
What have we learned as people? What have we learned as a society? What have we learned as humans?
Sadly, I can say not that much.

We are working on our 911 film in full gear, yet sadly a lot of people we approach for help tell us they are not ready to deal with Sept. 11 in any art form, especially not in film.

Is that all we have learned as a society? That pain is better not confronted in directly? That it is better to forget than to remember?

I believe one of the main reasons 911 happened was because we as a society tried to pretend we don't see things- and yet there is always those who will make sure we see them.

Most of us want to live our lives peacefully and focus on our immediate family and friends. But we live in a world where we must all be a part of society and the global village- cause the global village unfortunately has people like Bin Laden wanting to endanger some of it's members.

My grandfather was assassinated by a terrorist. So I know the pain lunatics like Bin Laden can do to individuals. The pain that is not part of a general statistic but part of a very specific family. My family.

We must fight these terrorists as a society but we must also fight not to become like them in our fight to eradicate them.

May we all be strong and to the families of the people in the towers and the firemen and policemen who lost their lives - my heart is with you today.



911, september 11, sept 11, bin laden, film, movie, oliver stone, al qaeda, dan katzir, new love films, ravit markus, 9/11, 9/11/2001, 9/11, 9/11/2001, World trade center wtc, twin towers, NYC, New York

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

It's time!

Finally, it's time to re examine one of the most painful moments in American history.
Award winning director Dan Katzir with his unique point of view and sensitive story telling techniques brings his unique vision to this labor of love film.
Please follow us.

For more- please check our website: http://www.newlovefilms.com for updates or contact us at: